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The Alaska Permanent Fund was established in 1976 to permanently save and invest at least 25% of the state's oil royalties for intergenerational benefit. The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation is a state-owned corporation based in Juneau, Alaska that manages the assets of the Alaska Permanent Fund and other funds designated by law. APFC's pioneering investment model has been recognized globally for its ability to create and grow value for Alaska on a sustainable basis.


Alaska's youth are the future leaders of our great state. As the investment manager of Alaska's largest renewable financial resource, APFC recognizes the Alaska Permanent Fund and the youth are essential aspects of Alaska's future. The lessons in this workbook were created to teach and empower Alaska's youth about financial literacy, the fund, its structure, investment management, and how the fund is used to convert non-renewable mineral resources into a renewable economic resource for Alaska at middle school and high school education levels.

Overview Videos

Watch two videos to learn more about the Alaska Permanent Fund, investing and how diversification ensures stability and maximizes returns.


Download a PDF Workbook for use in classrooms and at home, includes videos and all lessons. 

Teacher Training

Watch short videos on how to implement these lessons into your classroom

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Alaska'a Renewable Revenue

Alaska'a Renewable Revenue

Alaska'a Renewable Revenue
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The Permanent Fund - Alaska's Renewable Revenue | Alaska Resource Education

The Permanent Fund - Alaska's Renewable Revenue | Alaska Resource Education

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Alaska's Renewable Revenue: Diversification | Alaska Resource Education

Alaska's Renewable Revenue: Diversification | Alaska Resource Education

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The Permanent Fund in Action

The Permanent Fund in Action

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Renewable Revenue: Lessons

Video Questions

Review the videos and answer questions to test your understanding of the Permanent Fund.

Video Series:

Lesson PDF:


Students will learn about how Alaska became and stayed a state due to its natural resources (namely, oil resources) and to challenge them to think about how you can transform a nonrenewable resource into a renewable resource.​

Teacher Training Video:

Lesson PDF:

The Permanent Fund: A Renewable Financial Resource

Students will demonstrate how the Alaska Permanent Fund is managed as a renewable financial resource for Alaska. Students will learn what investments are and understand the importance of long-term investing and diversification.

Teacher Training Video:

Lesson PDF:

Fund Management Simulation Game

Students will role play management of the Permanent Fund and help make sure it is able to benefit Alaskans today and in the future, equally.

Teacher Training Video:

Lesson PDF:

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