Powerful Opportunities for Women in Resources (P.O.W.R.)
Alaska Resource Education is on a mission to empower Alaskan girls to become the next generation of women leaders. Through our POWR programs we are showing high school girls across the state the kind of careers available in the natural resource industry. We are encouraging them to become innovative problem solvers and help tackle the big problems, all while staying in Alaska.
We are currently offering two POWR programs, one eight-week class in Anchorage and a week-long camp in Juneau.
Questions about any POWR program can be directed to:
Taylor Burgh, tburgh@akresource.org

Anchorage POWR Course
POWR - Natural Resource Management (H8710)
Fourth Quarter
Powerful Opportunities for Women in Resources is an incredible opportunity for high school girls in the Anchorage School District. Alaska Resource Education leads this exploration in natural resource careers and problem-based learning each spring at King Tech High School's third session program. Our goal is to ensure that girls in Alaska understand they play a very important role in the natural resource industry, and that they have the POWR (see what we did there?) to make positive contributions to ensure responsible and sustainable resource development!
What is POWR?
This eight-week course is taught at King Tech High School through the third session program, which runs Monday-Thursday from 3-5pm. Upon completion students earn a 0.5 elective science credit. There is an optional five-day field trip in the summer touring resource sites across the state.
What to expect from the course?
Girls will get an introduction to the natural resource industry, the careers available in Alaska and a chance to network with women leaders from across the state. Girls will be introduced to mining and geology, oil and gas, energy and renewables, and so much more. The class will be joined by guest speakers sharing their stories and inspiration. The class culminates with a final project where the girls have a chance to conceptualize and build a working prototype to solve a real world problem related to natural resources and sustainability in Alaska.
What about the field trip?
The field trip is optional, but an amazing experience! The 2022 group traveled from Anchorage to Fairbanks and was able to visit a coal mine, gold mine, solar farm, hydro research facility, satellite lab, large animal research facility and more. The group travels by bus and stays in hotels and at partner facilities during the trip. Cost is completely covered by Alaska Resource Education.
Depending on interest level, participation in the field trip may be dependent on grades, class participation, and an essay submission.
I want to sign up, what do I do next?
Contact your school counselor and ask to register for POWR - Natural Resource Management (H8710).
Juneau POWR Camp
Technical Education Center, Juneau; $50 per student
2024 Dates TBD
Alaska Resource Education is bringing POWR to Juneau! Powerful Opportunities for Women in Resources is an opportunity for high school girls in the Juneau School District to learn about career opportunities and meet women leaders.
Alaska Resource Education will lead this exploration in natural resource careers and problem-based learning camp at the Technical Education Center in Juneau. Our goal is to ensure that girls in Alaska understand they play a very important role in the natural resource industry, and that they have the POWR (see what we did there?) to make positive contributions to ensure responsible and sustainable resource development!
What to expect from the camp?
Girls will get an introduction to the natural resource industry, the careers available in Alaska and a chance to network with women leaders from across the state. Girls will be introduced to mining and geology, oil and gas, energy and renewables, and so much more - all through fun and hands-on activities! Included in the camp is a field trip to Kensington Gold Mine.
Five participants from camp will be selected to join the Anchorage POWR girls on our summer field trip experience! This week long field trip brings girls from Anchorage to Fairbanks and back by bus to tour resource sites from a coal mine, gold mine, solar farm, animal research facility, and so much more! Participants will be selected based on interest level, participation in camp, and an essay submission.
What does the cost include?
Lunch and snacks will be provided everyday and transportation to and from a field trip to Kensington Gold Mine.​
Are there sponsorships available?
Yes! Contact us to find out more.
I want to sign up, what do I do next?